Wednesday, March 11, 2020

5.1 Energy Transfer Essays - Physics, Nature, Energy, Free Essays

5.1 Energy Transfer Essays - Physics, Nature, Energy, Free Essays 5.1 Energy Transfer Energy- The capacity for work As biologic work increases, energy transfer increases As biologic work is expressed in mechanical units Emerges only when a change takes place Bioenergetics Flow and energy exchange within a living system First Law of Thermodynamics Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only transforms from one form to another w/o being depleted An expression of the conversation of energy principle -The body does not produce, consume or us up energy: it transforms from one state into the next as physiologic systems undergo continual change. Potential Kinetic Energy TE=PE+KE PE-relates to structure or position. EX: Water at dam top KE-energy of motion with release of heat. Biosynthesis Bound energy in one substance directly transfers to other substancs to increase their PE Exergonic-Any physical or chemical process that releases energy to surroundings w free energy decline Endergonic-Chem reactions that store/ absorb energy w free energy increase for biologic work Transfer of PE always proceeds in a direction that decreases capacity to perform work Second Law Tendency of PE to degreade to KE of motion w a lower capacity of wotk All PE in a system degrades to unusable form of KE or heat TE in a system remains constant; a decrease in 1 energy form matches the equivalent energy increase in another form Six Forms of Energy Interconversions Chemical, Mechanical, Heat, Light, Electrical, Nuclear Photosynthesis- Endergonic To learn more and get OneNote, visit